Giving Thanks, Karma Cabin Style

We will not be celebrating the holiday at the cabin. We can barely navigate around mouse traps, tools and bags of insulation so comfortably celebrating a bountiful feast is out of the question.

The trailer? Well, it is pretty darn cozy. It also leaks a wee bit when it rains, and although the heated mattresses are grand, the dampness still seems to seep into all fabrics especially PJ bottoms. Or maybe Rumi is to blame. Either way, not the best place to break bread and give thanks.

On second thought, maybe it is the perfect setting. Contrast makes gratitude flow.

So grab your woolies and your wellies, a bottle of bubbly, and come celebrate Thanksgiving with us – karma cabin style.

white boots and orange pumpkin on the stair
Photo by Monstera

Gratitude is the wine of the soul. Go on. Get drunk.


I offer the first toast of thanks to Bert the Outhouse. Nothing has ever made me appreciate my flushable toilet more than Bert. The novelty of pooping in a spidery dwelling quickly wears off but each trip home, when cheeks nestle cozily on a solid seat, is pure ecstasy.

The second toast goes to Stella the Woodstove. Stella, the sweat equity it takes trying to get you fired up makes me appreciate the low-maintenance furnace at home. When gentle heat comes drifting through the registers, I sigh with relief. Namaste, Stubborn Stella. Thank you for making me work hard for every bit of heat you begrudgingly proffer.

Third glass is offered to Dean the Trailer. Dean, you make me appreciate the hallways and doors in our tiny Ottawa home and the privacy and space they provide. It is sweet morning bliss not snapping and snarling at your spouse as you trip over each other (and the dog sprawled on the tiny trailer floor) to get to the coffee maker.

The next toast belongs to every unwanted, 4-legged guest that has enjoyed squatters’ rights in our attic, walls and couch cushions. I now step more lightly and consciously when I invade your forest home. Just to be clear, I do not poop and pee to my heart’s content in your nest, though.

Attention now flows to the feast table. My fifth toast goes to the Empty Seats that surround it. Spirits are an essential inevitability at every celebration. Thank you for reminding me to hug this fleeting illusion I still breathe in and out each day. Each moment with family and friends that remain at the table is savored all the more.

I am noticing a few dirty paw prints that dart around each chair. Rumi, thank you for forcing me to deal with my compulsive need to clean on a daily basis. Your prints remind me is it always better to go forest-walking than floor-scrubbing.

And to the Karma Cabin, you are a lesson-filled teacher that I often do not welcome with a willing heart. You temper my impatience and test my resolve. Anything worth doing is worth doing well, and your transformation will take some time. As much as I secretly want it to be, this is not about the perfect Instagram photo with gleaming wood floors and gently burning fireplace. This is about personal growth which is full of hard realizations and bitter-tasting truths.

My final blurry toast goes to you, reader. Hitting “publish now” on my first post caused me to put my head between my tremblin’ knees. Without you, I would not have had the courage to rip off more than a few painful band-aids and ill-fitting masks. I feel your presence every time I write.

Thanksgiving walk with Rumi

Whatever table you find yourself at this holiday weekend, enjoy every awkward, messy, wonderful moment. The dishes can wait. We will all occupy an Empty Seat one day. In the meantime, another slice of pumpkin pie is calling. Let out the drawstring on the sweatpants and nourish yourself.



  1. Wonderful. I didn’t read your post until this morning – after the festivities were all over – but rest assured, my waistband was well stretched. I am already plotting the extra walks I’ll have to take in that forest home of your 4-legged friends. (If I drink too much coffee, don’t discount the possibility of the need for me to leave a mark in their home. You can consider it as my act of revenge on your behalf.) Thanks again for a wonderful post.

    1. We have to get back on the trails too…have missed it the past couple of days. It is indeed a privilege to enjoy an expanded waistband so go ahead and “wear” it with pride!

  2. Hard realizations and bitter-tasting truths indeed! This post feels like a hug on the journey of …well…at times self growth but at others just survival. ๐Ÿ™‚ I am grateful for your post and your insights and your way with words!

  3. As always Karen, you turn a glass half empty into a glass half full. Cheers! Thank you once again for your positive musings. The picture of Rum on your walk is spectacular. Happy Thanksgiving.

  4. Happy Thanksgiving Karen! Best advice yetโ€ฆโ€™the dishes can waitโ€™. I will take this to heart as I cook for my tribe and linger around the table a little longer after our feast together

  5. Karen , you weave a story line that warms the heart better than any pot bellied stove of years gone by. You are a master in the art of story telling that makes the reader settle in for an enjoyable ride.


    1. Thanks dad – I am glad you liked the little thanksgiving tale developed over a few forest walks and a couple of ciders. Cheers!


We are here to learn from one another so cordial comments and questions are always welcome!